Private Training Calendar

Below is a list of available 2018 Private Training Dates

Contact Ken to discuss training dates and Payment Methods for Private Training.Contact_Ken_buttonScholarships are available

Available 2018 Weekdays

May – SOLD OUT Contact Ken to secure a particular day.
June – SOLD OUT Contact Ken to secure a particular day.
July – SOLD OUT Contact Ken to secure a particular day.
August – SOLD OUT Contact Ken to secure a particular day.
September 11, 20, 26 Contact Ken to secure a particular day.
October 3-5, 10 Contact Ken to secure a particular day.

Click Here for Calendar of 2018 Pre-Scheduled TRAINING TOURS

Other days may be available that are not listed. Contact Ken to discuss scheduling.

Also available: Advanced Parking Lot Courses, Track Days and Guided Training Tours.

11 Replies to “Private Training Calendar”

  1. Hi Ken I wanted to thank you for a great day out. It was very informative and made me look at riding through a different set of eyes. I will tell all my friends they can become safer, faster riders by taking your street riding course. Thanks again.

  2. It’s probably in the site, on the various items I’ve clicked, but I can’t see the locations. I’m in Southeastern, MA around Boston. Honda CTX700N DCT.

  3. I’m very interested in the 2-day training for 1 or 2 people. I may can round up a second rider, but I would be willing to team up with an interested “stranger”. I ride a 2015 Road Glide Special. Prior to that 12 BMW’s since 1992. I’ve had no formal training other than the MSF Beginner Rider Course.

  4. Hi Ken,
    I’m interested in the two day tour. I hope to avoid spending the time to ride all the way from Illinois to you; do you know of available rentals you can recommend or at least not know too much bad stuff about?

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